Renato 'RMJ' Gelmini – Digital Miniature Scupltor, Comic Artist, Scriptwriter

Author Archives: RennyManJr

Zombie Pac-Man Fridge Magnets

I know I’m late but I recently finished my first commercial STL file, just in time for Halloween! Meet Zombie Pac-Man, a set of four different Fridge Magnets depincting Pac-Man, Inky, Pinky and Clyde, for you or for your favourite Zombie Addicted/Retrogamer friends. You just have to print them, glue a magnet on their back […]

Ciao Silvano

Chi ha seguito questo blog fin dai suoi esordi saprà che, almeno all’inizio, decisi di usarlo come diario di ciò che mi veniva insegnato alla Scuola Comics di Firenze. Di tutti gli insegnanti che ho avuto ho bloggato solamente su due di loro. Uno è Paul Karasik. L’altro è stato Silvano Mezzatesta. Non avendo virato […]

[ITA] Mordheim – Bande in italiano

In questo post, che terrò sempre aggiornato, raccoglierò i PDF delle bande di Mordheim che ho tradotto in italiano, spesso anche reimpaginandoli con InDesign per dargli un aspetto il più “ufficiale” possibile. In genere segnalo e carico queste bande sul gruppo Facebook di Mordheim Italia, ma siccome Facebook è un pessimo gestore di file, li […]

Unreal Championship 2: Leaked PC – How to

The history of this Leaked started in 2011 when a guy named Dylan, who introduced himself as part of the Epic staff, promised to release some unfinished game builds that he had access to. He then disappeared just before making all of them public, for reasons that would only become clear at a later date. […]

[ITA] Il mio Sanremo 2021

A 7 page short story about this year’s Sanremo, the most important Italian Music festival (it’s the competition that chooses our participant in the Eurovision Song Contest). It’s in Italian and most jokes in it are aimed at Italy, so I don’t think it would work translated into english. It’s here though, if you want […]

Almost Out!

New Warframe fanart, this time it’s the Wisp Warframe. I kind of like and dislike this image at the same time. It has a sort of “Marvel 2000-ish comic book” vibe to it, which I’m not a really big fan of, honestly, but I know many people appreciate it so here it is.

Duality Dance

New Warframe fanart! I wanted to try those new 3D photos on Facebook so I did a quick drawing of Equinox Prime on a random pose that could help me show some 3D-ness. The small preview shows some white artifacts on the far right, however if you click on it for the full screen view […]

A Page Out of Nostalgia

This is a follow up page for a comic I started a very long time ago and left unfinished around 2001, if I recall correctly. It started as a story about a guy who finds out to have magic powers with which he can do whatever he wants but then, as I grew up, the […]